
XData Overview

XData is "eXtra Data" that can be assigned on a per-entry basis to any entity in a drawing or tool path.

XData Examples

Examples of line entities with XData attributes assigned.


The easiest way to add XData to a path is to use the "XData" commands from the pull-down menu at the top of the screen in LAYOUT :

From there, one can specify XData to be assigned to entities, or choose how XData is displayed on the screen. XData can also be saved in parametric shapes, assigned via the 3D Path Editor Utility, generated from within Scripts, or hand coded into OMX files.


XData items are typically executed at the start of the entity the XData is assigned to. Please note that because the path direction is undefined in LAYOUT, the XData is displayed in the middle of the entity, even though once the path is defined it typically executes at the entity start.


Warning to Novice Users:
XData is an advanced feature with a lot of power and flexibility. As such, it can get the novice user into trouble. Although not all XData items are difficult to use, it is recommended that one become proficient with traditional tool paths that do not use XData prior to jumping into XData programming. Alternatively, the novice may wish to stick with the simpler XData types such as "Pause" and "Comment". In addition, some XData items may override or modify standard behaviors and as such should be used with additional caution, previewing, dry running, etc.

Displaying XData

XData is displayed in some (but not all) dialogs in LAYOUT, MAKE, and the 3D Path Editor that show CAD or tool path data. To enable, disable, or configure how XData is displayed, look for the "XData / Redraw Style" menu at the top of the screen.


Use the "^" key to quickly toggle the XData redraw style for most OMAX Software displays that show XData – even some displays that don't have menu items for changing the XData display style.


Each XData item has a corresponding icon that can be displayed. The colors of the icons have meaning as such:


Notes and Tips Regarding XData

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