
Jog +Y

Moves the nozzle up (away from the front)

Click and hold the Jog +Y button, and the machining head moves up (away from the machine front) until the button is released (or a soft limit is reached). Right-clicking the Jog +Y button moves the machining head more slowly.

You can hold down the Ctrl key and click the Jog +Y button to move up a small amount (called a "Bump").

Also use the keyboard arrow keys to accomplish the same motion. Holding down Ctrl and pressing á will "Bump" the nozzle head (the default distance is 0.125 in. [0.3175 cm]). Hold down the Shift key and press á to move faster.


You can also use the numeric keypad to jog the machining head.

When Num Lock is OFF, use the following keys to move.

When Num Lock is ON, you can use these same keys to "Bump" or "step" the machine. You can set bump mode by pressing * (asterisk) and step mode by pressing / (slash).

These commands make it easy to use a third party numeric keypad to control the machining head remotely.

Tips for Improving Jogging Performance